Tools and resources for functional sustainability.


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It’s ‘Harvest Earned, Not Harvest Given’

Our goal is to help you reach your growing potential. This is your livelihood, and you put in a lot of work. We see our role as being partners in farmers’ efforts. We can’t put in the hours in the tractor, but we can support soil health and effectively suppressing soil-borne pathogens.

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Why Paul is Guilt-free About Doubling his Yield with Soil Fumigation
Why Paul is Guilt-free About Doubling his Yield with Soil Fumigation

Over the last couple articles, I’ve told you about Paul: a highly experienced, sustainability-focused Ontario potato producer who saw yield skyrocket when he started using chloropicrin (the active ingredient in Strike) as a soil fumigant.

As Promised Here’s How Paul Doubled His Yield
As Promised Here’s How Paul Doubled His Yield

Last week we shared the first article in a 3-part series published in SpudSmart titled, “Ontario Potato Farmer Notches 100% Yield Increase”. This week we are sharing the second article in the 3-part series published in SpudSmart titled, “As Promised Here’s How Paul Doubled His Yield”.

Ontario Potato Farmer Notches 100% Yield Increase
Ontario Potato Farmer Notches 100% Yield Increase

Four years ago at a farm show, I happened to cross paths with a long-time, forward-thinking potato grower from Ontario named Paul. He had the walk of a guy who wasn’t planning to stop. But four words on our signage literally caught him mid-stride: Strike supports soil health.

Disease Management vs. Sustainability — Does it Have to be a Choice?
Disease Management vs. Sustainability — Does it Have to be a Choice?

The push for sustainability in agriculture: cover crops, reduced tillage, planting into more residue to reduce erosion, and choosing more sustainable chemical inputs are priorities for our whole industry. Is there a way to do that while controlling disease and staying profitable too?

Tackling Early Die Complex — a Sneak Peek from Potato School
Tackling Early Die Complex — a Sneak Peek from Potato School

If potato producers could snap their fingers to solve the most costly and frustrating production challenge they face, almost all would snap away early die complex. Early die can cost five to 30 per cent of yield. Yes, early die is difficult to manage. However, the more you know, the better you’ll be able to tackle it.

What Patates Dolbec Learned About Soil Fumigation Could Make You Money
What Patates Dolbec Learned About Soil Fumigation Could Make You Money

Scab steals a costly percentage of the potatoes produced at Patates Dolbec, one of Quebec’s largest farms. Patates Dolbec’s director of quality assurance and agronomy, coordinated a soil fumigation trial last year to see how Strike might impact his soil’s health and productivity.

Tackle Verticillium Wilt and Take Back Control
Tackle Verticillium Wilt and Take Back Control

Farmers have a lot on their minds: pests, frost, heat, commodity prices, too much rain, drought, labor, regulations and even more. To succeed at farming, a thousand things have to go right. Farming is stressful on its own. Add in supply chain issues and you are left with tough decisions regarding the best way to move forward for the success of your farming operation. Don’t panic, we’ve got you covered.

Greenhouse Tomato Production
Greenhouse Tomato Production

Grower Experience – Trentham Cliffs, NSW
The grower previously had total plant deaths of his tomato crop where it was found that Verticillium and Fusarium wilts had killed all of his plants when they reached the growth stage.

What Is Soil Fumigation—And Why Does It Matter?
What Is Soil Fumigation—And Why Does It Matter?

The presence of many common organisms, parasites, and pests can mean the difference between a healthy yield or an off year. Soil fumigation can give plants the best chance possible to grow up and develop, while controlling pests safely and effectively—with lasting results.

Does Soil Fumigation Have a Place in Regenerative Agriculture?
Does Soil Fumigation Have a Place in Regenerative Agriculture?

Over the past handful of months, I’ve attended a whole pile of potato seminars, expos, forums and conferences around the world. Regenerative agriculture and sustainability are almost always top of the agenda.

TELONE™ and Chloropicrin: A One-Two Punch for Nematodes and Soilborne Diseases
TELONE™ and Chloropicrin: A One-Two Punch for Nematodes and Soilborne Diseases

Agricultural diseases can decimate your crop if you don’t take the proper preventative steps. Nematodes and other soilborne diseases need to be stopped in their tracks—and the right soil fumigation techniques can make all the difference.

“Am I Willing to Share? Heck No, It’s My Competitive Advantage”
“Am I Willing to Share? Heck No, It’s My Competitive Advantage”

"Ultimately, potato growers are all in competition with each other. Strike lets me grow more yield and better quality than the guys down the road or – since it’s a global market – in another state or country. The longer I can keep that edge to myself, the more money I make.”

STRIKE is Fast Becoming the Potato Industry’s Worst-Kept Secret
STRIKE is Fast Becoming the Potato Industry’s Worst-Kept Secret

Soil fumigants have suffered from an image problem, Strike is different – it’s a modern, highly-selective, soil health-promoting tool. There’s more and more awareness that Strike’s active ingredient, chloropicrin, suppresses all the major soil-borne potato diseases.

Incremental Yield Improvement Is Good, But It’s Not Where the Money Is
Incremental Yield Improvement Is Good, But It’s Not Where the Money Is

Soil health is the basis of the entire crop. Healthy soil is the most important step towards your crop’s yield potential. Plant into unhealthy soil and, no matter how much effort and investment you shovel into those acres, your crop won’t reach its potential.

Short-term Thinking Costs Long-term Benefits
Short-term Thinking Costs Long-term Benefits

I convinced the director of agronomy for a large company that grows chipping potatoes to try soil fumigation with chloropicrin (sold as Strike). He appreciated the soil health and yield gains he achieved in year one, but he hasn’t been seeing the longer-term soil health gains.

Potatoes Following in Strawberries’ Footsteps, But Can Potatoes be as Nimble?
Potatoes Following in Strawberries’ Footsteps, But Can Potatoes be as Nimble?

The parallels between where we are in the potato industry today compared to where California’s strawberry industry was in the 1950s are quite amazing. Strawberries are very sensitive to verticillium. Do I think chloropicrin is coming in potatoes? Absolutely.

Soil Fumigation Treatment Zones — What You Don’t Know Could be Stealing from Your Investment
Soil Fumigation Treatment Zones — What You Don’t Know Could be Stealing from Your Investment

When growers apply Strike soil fumigant under their carefully managed field conditions, they get impressive results — control of rhizoctonia, black dot, common scab; boosted crop yield and improved sustainability.

Are You Throwing Money Away on Your Soil Fumigation?
Are You Throwing Money Away on Your Soil Fumigation?

You’ve seen the research study results that show soil fumigation with Strike can effectively subdue rhizoctonia, black dot, common scab, and early die complex. You’ve heard experts explain how chloropicrin can boost soil’s health and potato production’s sustainability.

Potato School Snapshot - Can Fumigation and Sustainability Align?
Potato School Snapshot - Can Fumigation and Sustainability Align?

As an agronomist and potato scientist, I’m always fascinated to hear the latest research from potato experts around the world. That’s why the TriCal Group’s Potato School with its focus on grower education is one of my favorite events.

Managing the Good and the Bad of Soil Microorganisms
Managing the Good and the Bad of Soil Microorganisms

If you’ve farmed for several decades, you’ve seen firsthand the shift from broad spectrum to targeted pest management. Partially, the change has occurred because today’s available technologies are so vastly more precise than what our parents and grandparents used.

Make the first – and biggest – step toward sustainability
Make the first – and biggest – step toward sustainability

Potato farmers today are pushing hard for sustainability. Regenerative, soil-health promoting practices like reduced tillage, cover cropping, and planting into more residue to reduce erosion are all increasingly mainstream.

Spudman announces potato industry Dream Team 2021
Spudman announces potato industry Dream Team 2021

As the global director of potato research and market support for TriCal Group, Hutchinson is a master of soil health and disease suppression. He is the industry’s leaders in research and isn't shy. He is often a speaker at potato-related educational opportunities, like Potato Expo.

Sustainability and profitability: two sides of one well-managed coin
Sustainability and profitability: two sides of one well-managed coin

Sustainability is a priorities in agriculture today. Recognizing that responsible management of resources is critical to ensuring agriculture can meet the world’s food, feed, and fiber needs today and tomorrow too, farmers are supportive of improving sustainability.

Reduced Irrigation Yet More Yield and Better-quality Potatoes
Reduced Irrigation Yet More Yield and Better-quality Potatoes

One grower trialed soil fumigation with Strike (a chloropicrin-based product) on a handful of acres in 2020, mostly to better manage common scab and other soil borne diseases. Pleased with the results, he’s increased his treated acreage each year. Last fall, he fumigated several hundred acres.

Are Lurking Pathogens Already Wreaking Havoc Below Ground
Are Lurking Pathogens Already Wreaking Havoc Below Ground

Farmers usually feel pretty hopeful about the potential of their crops at the start: the most common comment I hear in early summer is “This is going to be my year!” Those same farmers are often disappointed what they saw in June and July didn’t translate to yield.

Potato Farming Realities and Sustainability
Potato Farming Realities and Sustainability

It seems everyone is talking sustainability today. But, what does sustainability really mean in the context of today’s farming realities, and how do we achieve it in practical, real-world application?

Are you a Potato Seed Farmer?
Are you a Potato Seed Farmer?

We conducted a two-year trial comparing potatoes grown in soil where disease was managed with Strike (chloropicrin). Based on what we observed in the field regarding tuber set increase, we developed a model that incorporated the benefit of set increase from Strike in a seed production system.

Climate Change, Agriculture, and Chloropicrin Soil Treatment
Climate Change, Agriculture, and Chloropicrin Soil Treatment

Climate change is a politically divisive topic. It is advisable for those with a stake in agriculture to explore the ramifications of potential weather changes on business. As weather instabilities or weather extremes become more common, farming will need to change.

Pushing for Sustainability Is Good, But Only If We Know What We’re Aiming For
Pushing for Sustainability Is Good, But Only If We Know What We’re Aiming For

You’d be hard pressed to look anywhere in agriculture today without running into the word ‘sustainability’. The whole industry is pressing forward on sustainability…but what does sustainability really mean? How do we define sustainability’s goals?

A High-tech Look Inside Soil’s Microbiome
A High-tech Look Inside Soil’s Microbiome

Chad Hutchinson is pleased to discuss soil microbes and sustainability with Joy Youwakim, an agroecology scientist at Biome Makers, an independent, third-party genomics company that specializes in DNA sequencing of agricultural soil samples.

Finally: A New (Desperately Needed) Solution for Potato Wart?
Finally: A New (Desperately Needed) Solution for Potato Wart?

Potato wart strikes fear in the bravest among us and at every level of the potato value chain. 36 fields have been identified as infected in three counties since 2000, leading to major trade disruptions, the destruction of hundreds of millions of kilograms of potatoes.

Low Dose Chloropicrin – When SweetPotato set is at Stake
Low Dose Chloropicrin – When SweetPotato set is at Stake

In the Summer/Fall of 2022 TriEst Ag Group did a mixture study that focused on Enterolobii in Nash County, NC. The trial evaluated the use of TELONETM, C15, and C35 at 6 GPA (22 GPA broadcast) shank applied in-row 14” deep with 10” of stack.

Triest Ag Group: Partners in Profitability
Triest Ag Group: Partners in Profitability

There is a lot of talk about sustainability and regeneration in agriculture these days. But what do those terms really mean? If you ask five people, you might get five different definitions. But for Josh Mays, Director of Agronomy for TriEst Ag Group, it all starts with profitability.

Soil Fumigation Changes the Game for Potato Seed Farm Economics
Soil Fumigation Changes the Game for Potato Seed Farm Economics

In today’s potato growing reality, a calculator is as critical to business success as good field management skills. We conducted a two-year trial comparing potatoes grown in soil where disease was managed with the soil fumigant Strike versus untreated potatoes.

Could A Soil Fumigant Be Used as a Bio-Stimulant?
Could A Soil Fumigant Be Used as a Bio-Stimulant?

A group of scientists at the University of Florida have been investigating the impact of soil fumigation on microbial communities and recently published some of their findings. They found that fumigant treatments with greater than 60% chloropicrin consistently increased tomato yield

Up to 68% of Potato Seed Could be Infected with Verticillium
Up to 68% of Potato Seed Could be Infected with Verticillium

68% of all seed potatoes sold in the Pacific Northwest are infected with verticillium. If you are a potato farmer who doesn't currently battle verticillium and you’re buying seed potatoes, you have a more than two in three chance that you’ll bring verticillium in.

Breaking Down the Details on Chloropicrin
Breaking Down the Details on Chloropicrin

Chloropicrin has been used as an agricultural product for soil-borne pest suppression in specialty crops throughout the world for over 60 years. It is a bio-nutritional soil fumigant that breaks down into elements that are naturally utilized by plants: carbon, chlorine, nitrogen, and oxygen.

It’s ‘Harvest Earned, Not Harvest Given’
It’s ‘Harvest Earned, Not Harvest Given’

Our goal is to help you reach your growing potential. This is your livelihood, and you put in a lot of work. We see our role as being partners in farmers’ efforts. We can’t put in the hours in the tractor, but we can support soil health and effectively suppressing soil-borne pathogens.



Agronomy in Action - Soil Fumigated PNW Onions

TriEst Ag Group had the opportunity to visit our west coast affiliate, Trident Ag Products, in the Pacific Northwest. They took our agronomist, Josh Mays, to visit some onion growers that were harvesting. He breaks down why growers soil fumigate onions and the benefits of doing so.

How to Avoid “What Happened to my Crop?!” Disappointment

An interview with Chad Hutchinson by Ashley Robinson Seed World Group



Shifts in Microbial Communities following application of Chloropicrin and 1,3-Dichloropropene in Pineapple
Shifts in Microbial Communities following application of Chloropicrin and 1,3-Dichloropropene in Pineapple

Trical Group's John Washington released a paper on fumigation using Chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and its impact on microbiological communities and soil health.



Chloropicrin Shifts Soil Biology in Powerful Ways across Diverse Regions, Crops, and Soil Types
Chloropicrin Shifts Soil Biology in Powerful Ways across Diverse Regions, Crops, and Soil Types

What the studies conclusively show is that in the weeks and months following soil fumigation with chloropicrin, soil microbial communities (bacteria and fungi) shifted in remarkable and quantifiable ways.

Green Beans: Low Rate Fumigation Trial
Green Beans: Low Rate Fumigation Trial

Building off of our traditional success in tobacco and our more recent watermelon results in 2020-2021, we wanted to trial our low rate system in another crop that fit the specifications outlined earlier; 60-120 day crop. An opportunity was found in Florida with fresh market green beans.

Pistachio Field Trials: Decreased Nematode Densities
Pistachio Field Trials: Decreased Nematode Densities

We established 2 multi-year field trials in Fresno County California, one trial taking place in Firebaugh, and the other in Caruthers, both led by TriCal PCA-Victor Rodriguez to examine the benefits of TELONE™ and Chloropicrin providing early rootstock establishment..

Impacts of Fall & Spring Fumigation of Tobacco
Impacts of Fall & Spring Fumigation of Tobacco

This project was established in East Central NC originally in 2021 to evaluate the effects of TELONE ™ II and Chloropicrin (PIC) on nematode suppression in Tobacco, Granville wilt suppression, and tobacco yield and quality. Is it possible to stagger harvest between the products?

Pre-Plant Soil Fumigation in Greenhouses with Strike 60 for the Production of Capsicums
Pre-Plant Soil Fumigation in Greenhouses with Strike 60 for the Production of Capsicums

The Adelaide Plains region, outside of Adelaide, South Australia, is the largest greenhouse growing region in the southern hemisphere. This region suffers from soil pest & disease issues that greatly reduce the yields and quality of the crops grown.

Impacts of Fall & Spring Fumigation of Tobacco
Impacts of Fall & Spring Fumigation of Tobacco

This project in East Central NC originally in 2021 to evaluate the effects of TELONE ™ II and Chloropicrin (PIC) on nematode suppression, Granville wilt suppression, and tobacco yield and quality. This is a complex issue of harvest timing, weather conditions, disease, and nematode pressure.

Pistachio Field Trials: Decreased Nematode Densities
Pistachio Field Trials: Decreased Nematode Densities

This past Fall we established 2 multi-year field trials in California. Our main objective is to examine the benefits of TELONE™ and Chloropicrin providing early rootstock establishment, promoting early growth, and stronger root systems as we have documented in other crop markets.

2023 Trial: Impacts of Soil Fumigation of Tobacco
2023 Trial: Impacts of Soil Fumigation of Tobacco

TriEst wanted to look at finding application and timing solutions to better meet nematode and disease pressures. The 2023 trial focused on sampling depths to map location of pests, dual depth applications to place the correct product in the right place, and proof out these concepts.

Broccoli Field Trial in Virginia

A video from a field trial in Virginia on broccoli. Agronomist Josh Mays discusses some of the things we evaluate and analyze while we're doing field trials.

SC Watermelon Field Trial

A short video on a SC Watermelon Trial and some of the tools we use to evaluate the things we see in a field.

Jalapeno Trial, Clinton NC

Our Director of Agronomy, Josh Mays, was back out in the field at the end of May checking on a jalapeno field trial in Clinton, NC. In this video he's highlighting the difference in growth and uniformity seen in this field and why it matters.

Bean Trial 2023
Bean Trial 2023

In 2023, Trident Agricultural Products conducted field trials in Idaho, focusing on kidney beans for seed production. The trials aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of PIC 100 (Chloropicrin) at low dosage rates of 2.5 GPA and 5 GPA at maximizing yield and income gain in comparison to non-fumigated checks.



Eno River Farm - Hillsborough North Carolina

TriEst Ag Group focuses on the design, equipment and services they provided to a new farm on the Eno River. This short video was produced using only selected soundbites from TriEst Ag Group and their client, Keegan Czesak. The drone aerials on this video are incredible.

TriEst Ag Group Soil Health

A live-action video production for TriCal and included in our Q4 2018 Highlights portfolio. We're Levitate and we've been producing live and animated video for enterprise and SMB clients since 2009.

Savage Farms Success Story

This is my livelihood, I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have this to tell you the truth. Being able to make a living at this, it's rewarding. We're growing over 500 acres of potatoes, so we have to perform and get a good yield to be able to make money, and every year that seems to get more and more challenging.

Potato Expo 2020

Dr. Chad Hutchinson reviews how soil fumigation with Chloropicrin helps tackle potato scab, black dot, rhizoctonia, verticillium wilt, and nematodes while positively impacting overall soil health.?

Strike + Potatoes Overview

No matter what you're growing, the health of the soil in which you're planting your crops has one of the most influential impacts on the quality of the crop you harvest. For years farmers have been using a variety of methods to increase yield and improve quality. A growing number of farmers have realized the health of their crop depends on the health of their soil.

TriCal Australia

TriCal Australia was established as SA Rural Agencies in 1987 which became AGAS Rural in 2012. Joining the TriCal Group of Companies in 2019, TriCal Australia continues its history of providing innovative and dependable fumigation products and services to the Australian fumigation, agriculture, pest control and quarantine community.

Why soil health is so important to Andrew Braham

South Australian capsicum grower Andrew Braham, explains his approach to soil health and how TriCal Australia have helped him to improve his soils.

What happens when you stop using Strike Telone in your soil, Sam Pike tells us.

A long time ago, when Sam stopped using Telone for 4 years, he found that nematodes and diseases increased and nematicides did not control the cycle of nematodes. With further agronomy testing they found the exact and were able to tackle the issue head on.

Agronomy in Action: Tobacco Soil Fumigation Trial

Our agronomist, Josh Mays, was in a tobacco field back in mid-August visiting a Granville Wilt trial. He touches on the differences in soil fumigated versus untreated. You can read about some more of our work in tobacco at

Agronomy in Action - Peanut Soil Fumigation Trial

Our agronomist, Josh Mays, was out recently in a peanut field in Marion, SC comparing the difference in uniformity of emergence and uniformity of growth in a soil fumigation trial that TriEst Ag Group is doing.

Agronomy in Action - Peanut Soil Fumigation Trial Part II

Triest Ag's agronomist, Josh Mays, was back out in the peanut field in Marion, SC recently doing some of the final evaluations on TriEst's soil fumigation trial. The peanuts were freshly turned and drying for harvest.

Agronomy in Action - Soil Fumigated PNW Onions

TriEst Ag Group had the opportunity to visit our west coast affiliate, Trident Ag Products, in the Pacific Northwest. They took our agronomist, Josh Mays, to visit some onion growers that were harvesting. He breaks down why growers soil fumigate onions and the benefits of doing so.

How to Avoid “What Happened to my Crop?!” Disappointment

An interview with Chad Hutchinson by Ashley Robinson Seed World Group

AL Cucumber Field – Fumigation Tutorial

Josh Mays was out with a crew setting up a low dose chloropicrin trial on some cucumbers in Alabama not long ago. He walked through an in-row flat fumigation application and how it works in a strip-till situation in this video.
