Tools and resources for functional sustainability.

Potatoes - Common problems and our solutions.
Potatoes - Common problems and our solutions.

Nematodes are a common pest in potato-growing areas, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. They are typically found in coarse-textured, sandy soils. Above ground symptoms can range from stunted growth and wilting under moisture stress, accompanied by distinct galls on potato tubers.

Strike Targets Seed Growers with Focus on Black Dot
Strike Targets Seed Growers with Focus on Black Dot

Black dot has historically been overlooked in potato seed production. Recent research shows that black dot, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum coccodes, working synergistically with Verticillium dahliae and root-lesion nematodes to weaken plants and reduce yields.

New York Potato Trial Harvesting

Potato Harvest Trial Harvest digs in New York. Looking at Russets, Whites, and Yellows with multiple rates of chloropicrin against non-treated. We look at suppressing verticillium wilt, nematodes, & common scab. This is a fresh market grower so skin quality and size profiles matter.

Do You Know (And Appreciate) the Hidden Heroes Beneath Our Feet?
Do You Know (And Appreciate) the Hidden Heroes Beneath Our Feet?

One gram of soil can hold more than 50,000 species of microbes, all living, breathing, interacting and impacting our soil, land, and air. Swiss researcher Mark Anthony recently calculated that soil is home to 59% of Earth’s total life, the most biodiverse habitat on Earth!

DPR Report Confirms Vital Role of Chloropicrin
DPR Report Confirms Vital Role of Chloropicrin

The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST), commissioned a report by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation underscoring chloropicrin in modern agriculture. No alternative can replace this soil fumigant, and its role in managing soil-borne pests in high-value crops.

Functional Sustainability: How Using TELONE™ Can Lower Water and Fertilizer Inputs
Functional Sustainability: How Using TELONE™ Can Lower Water and Fertilizer Inputs

In modern agriculture, the efficient use of resources is paramount. Growers seek ways to optimize water and fertilizers while maintaining or enhancing crop yields. By applying TELONE™ before planting roots can develop without the hindrance of pests.

How to Grow More with Less
How to Grow More with Less

Chad Hutchinson writes in Spudsmart that the potato industry embraces regenerative agriculture, sustainability is becoming more than just a goal: it’s an expectation. Processors and buyers are setting ambitious targets for fertilizer reduction, water use efficiency and soil health improvement.

Enjoy California’s Bounty: Grown with Pride
Enjoy California’s Bounty: Grown with Pride

With its rich soils, diverse climates, and innovative farming techniques, California has cultivated an impressive array of more than 400 commodities. Remarkably, the state is the sole producer of key crops such as almonds, artichokes, celery, garlic, kiwifruit, and walnuts

Can a soil fumigant be used as a biostimulant in agriculture?

Can a soil fumigant be used as a biostimulant in agriculture? At TriEst Ag Group we're trying to find those answers. Josh Mays, our agronomist, and Josh Freeman, our Regional Sales Manager, go into further depth on this topic and our findings.

Functional Sustainability: How Using TELONE™ Can Lower Water and Fertilizer Inputs
Functional Sustainability: How Using TELONE™ Can Lower Water and Fertilizer Inputs

In modern agriculture, the efficient use of resources is paramount. Growers seek ways to optimize water and fertilizers while maintaining or enhancing crop yields. By applying TELONE™ before planting roots can develop without the hindrance of pests.

TELONE™ Dual-Application in Hastings, Florida

Potato Growers love seeing dual-application fumigation in process, and this view from above is even better. Check out this dual-application of TELONE™ (to combat nematodes) and chloropicrin (to target soil-borne diseases) on potatoes in Hastings, Florida.

The Role of Soil Fumigation in Boosting Crop Growth
The Role of Soil Fumigation in Boosting Crop Growth

Soil fumigation is a pre-planting practice that involves injecting fumigants into the soil to target harmful soil-borne pests and pathogens. This process works by penetrating throughout the soil to target nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and insects, which can hinder plant development.

DPR Report Confirms Vital Role of Chloropicrin
DPR Report Confirms Vital Role of Chloropicrin

The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST), commissioned a report by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation underscoring chloropicrin in modern agriculture. No alternative can replace this soil fumigant, and its role in managing soil-borne pests in high-value crops.

Can a soil fumigant be used as a biostimulant in agriculture?

Can a soil fumigant be used as a biostimulant in agriculture? At TriEst Ag Group we're trying to find those answers. Josh Mays, our agronomist, and Josh Freeman, our Regional Sales Manager, go into further depth on this topic and our findings.

Tips to Control Nematodes in Carrot Production
Tips to Control Nematodes in Carrot Production

Plant-parasitic nematodes are known as hidden enemies and restrain carrot production in the United States. In Georgia, carrots are among the most seriously affected vegetables due to heavy infestation of root-knot nematodes, causing especially severe problems in all carrot-growing areas.

Preparing For Spring Telone™ Applications
Preparing For Spring Telone™ Applications

As spring approaches, it’s essential to prepare fields for planting by effectively managing soil-borne pests, particularly nematodes. This blog post outlines steps to ensure successful fumigation, including soil sampling, using pre-application checklists, and monitoring soil moisture levels.

Potatoes Following in Strawberries’ Footsteps, But Can Potatoes be as Nimble?
Potatoes Following in Strawberries’ Footsteps, But Can Potatoes be as Nimble?

The parallels between where we are in the potato industry today compared to where California’s strawberry industry was in the 1950s are quite amazing. Strawberries are very sensitive to verticillium. Do I think chloropicrin is coming in potatoes? Absolutely.

Soil to Substrate: Key Irrigation and Fertigation Ideas for Long Cane Raspberries
Soil to Substrate: Key Irrigation and Fertigation Ideas for Long Cane Raspberries

PH is key in a soil system for berries. Traditional soil production for soft fruit crops is a buffered system that is slow to change. Think of substrate as a high risk, high reward type system where your attention to detail is very important.

New Report Finds 97% of Fruits and Vegetables Sampled in California Meet Pesticide Safety Standards
New Report Finds 97% of Fruits and Vegetables Sampled in California Meet Pesticide Safety Standards

The DPR released the 2021 California Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program Report showing that 97% of produce collected in 2021 had no detectable pesticide residues. More than 98% of “grown in California” produce had no residues that exceeded allowable levels.

Soil Health: An Overview For Growers
Soil Health: An Overview For Growers

Healthy soil is the foundation for successful agricultural production. One factor that can inhibit soil health is plant parasitic nematodes. Ee will discuss the importance of soil health, how nutrient cycling affects soil health, and the importance of soil fumigation in controlling nematodes.

Tips to Control Nematodes in Carrot Production
Tips to Control Nematodes in Carrot Production

Plant-parasitic nematodes are known as hidden enemies and restrain carrot production in the United States. In Georgia, carrots are among the most seriously affected vegetables due to heavy infestation of root-knot nematodes, causing especially severe problems in all carrot-growing areas.

Potatoes - Common problems and our solutions.
Potatoes - Common problems and our solutions.

Nematodes are a common pest in potato-growing areas, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. They are typically found in coarse-textured, sandy soils. Above ground symptoms can range from stunted growth and wilting under moisture stress, accompanied by distinct galls on potato tubers.

The 5 Most Common Plant-Parasitic Nematodes and How TELONE™ Can Help Protect Your Crops
The 5 Most Common Plant-Parasitic Nematodes and How TELONE™ Can Help Protect Your Crops

Plant-parasitic nematodes are some of the most destructive pests in agriculture. With over 4,000 species of plant-parasitic nematodes worldwide, identifying and managing the right ones in your fields is crucial.

Trical Grape Field Trial (Modesta, CA): Documented Importance of Soil Fumigation
Trical Grape Field Trial (Modesta, CA): Documented Importance of Soil Fumigation

In the Fall of 2019, Dr. Kristi Sanchez began a Grape Field Trial in Modesto, CA, investigating soil fumigation methods and their impact on vineyard performance. The trial focused on assessing TriClor adoption in vineyards alongside the performance of TELONE™ II.

Celebrate Smart Irrigation Month with Triest
Celebrate Smart Irrigation Month with Triest

TriEst Ag Group proudly celebrates Smart Irrigation Month by helping growers maximize water-use efficiency every day. Smart Irrigation Month is a public awareness campaign to promote efficient water use. Smart Irrigation Month highlights effective practices and innovative technologies.

The Badger Common’tater: An Interview with Josh Mays of Triest Ag Group
The Badger Common’tater: An Interview with Josh Mays of Triest Ag Group

The July issue of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association’s The Badger Common’Tater features a wonderful, in-depth interview with our own Corporate Agronomist, Josh Mays!

Soil to Substrate: Key Irrigation and Fertigation Ideas for Long Cane Raspberries
Soil to Substrate: Key Irrigation and Fertigation Ideas for Long Cane Raspberries

PH is key in a soil system for berries. Traditional soil production for soft fruit crops is a buffered system that is slow to change. Think of substrate as a high risk, high reward type system where your attention to detail is very important.

The Importance of Irrigation in Pecan Production
The Importance of Irrigation in Pecan Production

Pecan trees have high water requirements, as much as 350 gallons per tree per day for mature trees. They have been shown to take most of the water they require from the upper 32 inches of the soil profile for normal seasonal growth. The deeper the trees have to reach for water the more energy they use.

Part II: A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management
Part II: A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management

In this post we want take you through year 2 results and our findings into grafted watermelon production and management. The key focus points of the trial were increasing yields and maturity window of grafted plants using chloropicrin.

A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management

In our last blog we went over the obstacles that growers face in watermelon production and their potential solutions. In this video presentation we will take a deeper dive into why we recommend grafted plants and fumigation as potential solutions to obstacles in watermelon production.

A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management
A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management

In this blog and video presentation we will take a deeper dive into why we recommend grafted plants and fumigation as potential solutions to obstacles in watermelon production. I would like to focus on grafted plants as a tool and potential solution to grower obstacles.

Overcoming Obstacles in Watermelon Production
Overcoming Obstacles in Watermelon Production

Sustainable crop production is a complex issue that every farmer faces each season. The production issues for watermelon are not limited to those listed here by any means, but the following are the focal points of ongoing research..

Preparing For Spring Telone™ Applications
Preparing For Spring Telone™ Applications

As spring approaches, it’s essential to prepare fields for planting by effectively managing soil-borne pests, particularly nematodes. This blog post outlines steps to ensure successful fumigation, including soil sampling, using pre-application checklists, and monitoring soil moisture levels.

E VA Red Potato Trial Soil Compaction Explanation

Red Potato Trial using different rates and applications methods of chloropicrin. In this video we explain the different soil compaction rates seen in different application methods.

Could A Soil Fumigant Be Used as a Bio-Stimulant?
Could A Soil Fumigant Be Used as a Bio-Stimulant?

A group of scientists at the University of Florida have been investigating the impact of soil fumigation on microbial communities and recently published some of their findings. They found that fumigant treatments with greater than 60% chloropicrin consistently increased tomato yield

Pistachio Field Trials: Decreased Nematode Densities
Pistachio Field Trials: Decreased Nematode Densities

This past Fall we established 2 multi-year field trials in California. Our main objective is to examine the benefits of TELONE™ and Chloropicrin providing early rootstock establishment, promoting early growth, and stronger root systems as we have documented in other crop markets.

TriCal Australia

TriCal Australia was established as SA Rural Agencies in 1987 which became AGAS Rural in 2012. Joining the TriCal Group of Companies in 2019, TriCal Australia continues its history of providing innovative and dependable fumigation products and services to the Australian fumigation, agriculture, pest control and quarantine community.
