Custom Spray Systems

Featured Article
Reddick Customizes Triangle Lawn Care's Spray Pick-Up

Newly built customer pick-up features a 350 gallon Space-Saver Tank with dual pumps and reels to eliminate cross contamination. The setup also includes an extra 50 gallon tank with 12v pump for filling ride-on equipment or additional sprayers.

Reddick Customizes Triangle Lawn Care's Spray Pick-Up
Reddick Customizes Triangle Lawn Care's Spray Pick-Up

Newly built customer pick-up features a 350 gallon Space-Saver Tank with dual pumps and reels to eliminate cross contamination. The setup also includes an extra 50 gallon tank with 12v pump for filling ride-on equipment or additional sprayers.

Reddick shows off New Custom Lawn Care Vehicle
Reddick shows off New Custom Lawn Care Vehicle

Jesse Whitley with Reddick Equipment shows of a new van spray system for Grunder Green in Ohio. This ProMaster van features a fold up ride-on ramp that takes no extra van space, a 200-gallon split tank (100/100), and double engine, pumps, and reels.

Reddick Equipments Poly Skid sprayers
Reddick Equipments Poly Skid sprayers

Reddick's line of Poly Skid sprayers can offer split tanks with separate pumps, engines, and reels to avoid cross contamination. They offer a balanced space-saving design to maximize truck space, leaving room to expand the spray system or for other equipment.
