Tools and resources for functional sustainability.


Four Ignored Irrigation System Costs
Four Ignored Irrigation System Costs

Often times it’s easy to be led astray by persuasive sales tactics or lured by low price bids for your next development project. However, differences do exist and usually take form in the following ways: equipment sizing, irrigation runtimes, installation quality, and design awareness.



Celebrate Smart Irrigation Month with Triest
Celebrate Smart Irrigation Month with Triest

TriEst Ag Group proudly celebrates Smart Irrigation Month by helping growers maximize water-use efficiency every day. Smart Irrigation Month is a public awareness campaign to promote efficient water use. Smart Irrigation Month highlights effective practices and innovative technologies.

The Badger Common’tater: An Interview with Josh Mays of Triest Ag Group
The Badger Common’tater: An Interview with Josh Mays of Triest Ag Group

The July issue of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association’s The Badger Common’Tater features a wonderful, in-depth interview with our own Corporate Agronomist, Josh Mays!

Soil to Substrate: Key Irrigation and Fertigation Ideas for Long Cane Raspberries
Soil to Substrate: Key Irrigation and Fertigation Ideas for Long Cane Raspberries

PH is key in a soil system for berries. Traditional soil production for soft fruit crops is a buffered system that is slow to change. Think of substrate as a high risk, high reward type system where your attention to detail is very important.

The Importance of Irrigation in Pecan Production
The Importance of Irrigation in Pecan Production

Pecan trees have high water requirements, as much as 350 gallons per tree per day for mature trees. They have been shown to take most of the water they require from the upper 32 inches of the soil profile for normal seasonal growth. The deeper the trees have to reach for water the more energy they use.

Reduced Irrigation Yet More Yield and Better-quality Potatoes
Reduced Irrigation Yet More Yield and Better-quality Potatoes

One grower trialed soil fumigation with Strike (a chloropicrin-based product) on a handful of acres in 2020, mostly to better manage common scab and other soil borne diseases. Pleased with the results, he’s increased his treated acreage each year. Last fall, he fumigated several hundred acres.
