Tools and resources for functional sustainability.


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Bean Trial 2023

In 2023, Trident Agricultural Products conducted field trials in Idaho, focusing on kidney beans for seed production. The trials aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of PIC 100 (Chloropicrin) at low dosage rates of 2.5 GPA and 5 GPA at maximizing yield and income gain in comparison to non-fumigated checks.

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Overcoming Obstacles in Watermelon Production
Overcoming Obstacles in Watermelon Production

Sustainable crop production is a complex issue that every farmer faces each season. The production issues for watermelon are not limited to those listed here by any means, but the following are the focal points of ongoing research..

New Report Finds 97% of Fruits and Vegetables Sampled in California Meet Pesticide Safety Standards
New Report Finds 97% of Fruits and Vegetables Sampled in California Meet Pesticide Safety Standards

The DPR released the 2021 California Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program Report showing that 97% of produce collected in 2021 had no detectable pesticide residues. More than 98% of “grown in California” produce had no residues that exceeded allowable levels.

TELONE™ and Chloropicrin: A One-Two Punch for Nematodes and Soilborne Diseases
TELONE™ and Chloropicrin: A One-Two Punch for Nematodes and Soilborne Diseases

Agricultural diseases can decimate your crop if you don’t take the proper preventative steps. Nematodes and other soilborne diseases need to be stopped in their tracks—and the right soil fumigation techniques can make all the difference.

The Badger Common’tater: An Interview with Josh Mays of Triest Ag Group
The Badger Common’tater: An Interview with Josh Mays of Triest Ag Group

The July issue of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association’s The Badger Common’Tater features a wonderful, in-depth interview with our own Corporate Agronomist, Josh Mays!

How to Suppress Soil Pest and Disease Levels In Cucumbers to Below Economic Damage
How to Suppress Soil Pest and Disease Levels In Cucumbers to Below Economic Damage

Cucumbers are one of the most pest and disease susceptible vegetable crops and are sensitive to Nematodes, Rhizoctonia and Pythium levels. Moderate numbers of each detected on the SARDI DNA tests will cause economic damage and result in yield losses.



A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management

In our last blog we went over the obstacles that growers face in watermelon production and their potential solutions. In this video presentation we will take a deeper dive into why we recommend grafted plants and fumigation as potential solutions to obstacles in watermelon production.



Green Beans: Low Rate Fumigation Trial
Green Beans: Low Rate Fumigation Trial

Building off of our traditional success in tobacco and our more recent watermelon results in 2020-2021, we wanted to trial our low rate system in another crop that fit the specifications outlined earlier; 60-120 day crop. An opportunity was found in Florida with fresh market green beans.

Part II: A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management
Part II: A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management

In this post we want take you through year 2 results and our findings into grafted watermelon production and management. The key focus points of the trial were increasing yields and maturity window of grafted plants using chloropicrin.

A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management
A Deeper Look into Grafted Watermelon Production and Management

In this blog and video presentation we will take a deeper dive into why we recommend grafted plants and fumigation as potential solutions to obstacles in watermelon production. I would like to focus on grafted plants as a tool and potential solution to grower obstacles.

Broccoli Field Trial in Virginia

A video from a field trial in Virginia on broccoli. Agronomist Josh Mays discusses some of the things we evaluate and analyze while we're doing field trials.

SC Watermelon Field Trial

A short video on a SC Watermelon Trial and some of the tools we use to evaluate the things we see in a field.

Bean Trial 2023
Bean Trial 2023

In 2023, Trident Agricultural Products conducted field trials in Idaho, focusing on kidney beans for seed production. The trials aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of PIC 100 (Chloropicrin) at low dosage rates of 2.5 GPA and 5 GPA at maximizing yield and income gain in comparison to non-fumigated checks.



AL Cucumber Field – Fumigation Tutorial

Josh Mays was out with a crew setting up a low dose chloropicrin trial on some cucumbers in Alabama not long ago. He walked through an in-row flat fumigation application and how it works in a strip-till situation in this video.

E VA Red Potato Trial Soil Compaction Explanation

Red Potato Trial using different rates and applications methods of chloropicrin. In this video we explain the different soil compaction rates seen in different application methods.
