Trical New Zealand prepared a strawberry crop using our comprehensive approach: bed forming, poly laying, drip irrigation tape installation, and soil fumigation with Pic-Plus. This creates optimal growing conditions, manages diseases and ensures a healthy and productive strawberry crop.
NC State Extension recently released its Pest Management Strategic Plan for Strawberries in the Southeast including Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, giving detailed information on common pests, weeds, pathogens, and best practices.
Keep an eye out for "California Grown" strawberries on your next shopping trip your grocery store. Trical believes great strawberries begin with healthy soil with soil fumigation solutions designed to support vigorous plant growth and produce berries with exceptional size and quality.
TriCal New Zealand recently completed a soil fumigation project for a carrot block, focusing on managing soilborne diseases and pests that can threaten crop health and yields. Soil fumigation is a vital step in creating clean, healthy soil conditions, giving crops the best chance to thrive from the very start.
Trident Ag Products and Dr. Maxwell Handiseni are conducting a potato trial in Boardman, Oregon, focused on tackling pathogens like verticillium wilt and black dot in potatoes using chloropicrin, the active ingredient in Strike™ Soil Fumigant.
Trical New Zealand is showing off this apple orchard which is growing strong and thriving thanks to a soil fumigation treatment completed by TriCal New Zealand using our Pic-Plus product and a careful and precise approach to create the environment for apple trees to flourish.
In Madras, Oregon, Trident is initiating a trial to explore solutions for managing verticillium wilt in leaf mint. This study integrates a chloropicrin soil fumigant with a biological fungicide containing Bacillus spp. to suppress pathogens and enhance crop health.
Soil fumigation is a pre-planting practice that works by penetrating throughout the soil profile to address threats like nematodes, fungi, bacteria, and insects, creating a pathogen-free root zone, soil fumigation lays the foundation for a healthier growing environment.
Trident Ag conducting a potato field trial at Rupert, Idaho to address the challenges of "early die" in potatoes. This trial focuses on utilizing Chloropicrin, the active ingredient in Strike™ Soil Fumigant, to effectively manage pathogens and promote healthier, more resilient crops.
The start of a new year is the ideal time to plan soil treatment and set the foundation for a successful growing season. Healthy soil is essential for producing high-quality crops, especially when managing the demands of a long growing cycle. Proper soil preparation before planting not only promotes resilient crop growth but also supports consistent yield success.
Trical Inc. just completed a raspberry soil fumigation project along Coastal California, helping a local farmer ensure a thriving harvest season. Booking a consultation with a Trical Inc PCA can help farmers learn how to support the success of a farmer's planting season.
With the year coming to a close, now's the time to start thinking about your orchard replant! Before you get started, be sure to check out our "Managing Replant Problem & Nematodes" PDF, available for download on the link below
Despite the overcast skies in Santa Maria, California, dedicated technicians are hard at work treating the strawberry fields to mitigate soil-borne diseases like nematodes. This proactive farmer is ensuring that the upcoming planting season will be both smooth and successful.
Trical New Zealand shows off incredible differences between Pic-Plus and non-treated rows of Apple Trees in Napier, New Zealand. The job involved broadacre tarped soil fumigation. TriCal NZ is committed to excellence in every job, ensuring healthy fields and healthy yields.
Trical Inc. is at work in the field before dawn breaks. Trical Inc.'s team of experts is committed to delivering high-quality soil treatments customized to meet your unique requirements by being an ally that respects your time and investment. Soil Fumigation is a solid start is essential for long-term success.
Chloropicrin has been a trusted soil fumigation solution for over 60 years, helping specialty crop growers around the world maximize yields and maintain healthy soils. But what makes it such a powerful tool? Here’s a closer look at some of its benefits:
Trident Ag completed a hop soil treatment in the Pacific Northwest using Pic-Clor 35 at a rate of 20.5 gallons per acre to effectively suppress nematodes and disease. It’s truly impressive to see the driver moves with precision of our operator navigating close to the poles with the packer.
Trical New Zealand conducted a trial on another block of an important customer in Levin, North Island. This time, we targeted Clubroot in a broccoli crop. This block has a high disease pressure, making it a challenging task. Trical NZ fumigated with Pic-Plus and left an untreated section for control.
Trical New Zealand recently completed a commercial fumigation job on the watermelon blocks for a valued customer in Levin, North Island. Fumigation targeted Fusarium sp, but they tackled other pests too. Thanks to perfect moisture and temperature conditions, the TriCal NZ team did an outstanding job using Pic-Plus.
Growers in South Carolina are prepping their peach orchards now, ahead of spring plantings in April. While growers do have nematode-resistant rootstock options, Root-Knot nematodes are still a huge threat for peaches in South Carolina.
Strike soil fumigants provide a barrier of protection from soil borne disease in the first 6 to 8 weeks, buying time for the onions to yield a healthy and vigorous root. Soil health studies prove that Strike suppresses disease while also supporting biological diversity and soil health overall.
Plant-parasitic nematodes are some of the most destructive pests in agriculture. With over 4,000 species of plant-parasitic nematodes worldwide, identifying and managing the right ones in your fields is crucial.
Our Director of R&D Dr. Randy (RM) Huckaba was in Eureka, NC harvesting a sweetpotato experiment. The test treatments included TELONE™ II as well as TELONE™/Chloropicrin combinations. The results showed TELONE™ provided very good control of the devastating guava root-knot nematode.
Colleagues Courtney Ross-Tait and Kara KeziosKara Kezios were in sunny Sacramento educating legislators and advocating for the benefits of soil fumigation. Soil fumigation leads to soil health by creating healthy root systems. TriCal, Inc. has been in business for over 60 years improving crop yield and quality for farmers and growers in California and all over the world.
Trical Group's John Washington released a paper on fumigation using Chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and its impact on microbiological communities and soil health.
Farmers are hungry for tangible ways to increase their sustainable efforts while maintaining economically viable yields. A lot of voices are calling for farming reform. However, feel good soundbites don’t feed the world. Potato producers are keen for real solutions.
Chloropicrin has been used as an agricultural product for soil-borne pest suppression in specialty crops throughout the world for over 60 years. It is a bio-nutritional soil fumigant that breaks down into elements that are naturally utilized by plants: carbon, chlorine, nitrogen, and oxygen.
The farmers are dealing with verticillium. The table of farmers started by laying out the stark reality: “Verticillium is trouncing our crops.” The agronomists and plant pathologists present spent the discussion recommending: “Try cover crops”, “Try manure”, “Try compost”.
68% of all seed potatoes sold in the Pacific Northwest are infected with verticillium. If you are a potato farmer who doesn't currently battle verticillium and you’re buying seed potatoes, you have a more than two in three chance that you’ll bring verticillium in.
In 2023, Trident Agricultural Products conducted field trials in Idaho, focusing on kidney beans for seed production. The trials aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of PIC 100 (Chloropicrin) at low dosage rates of 2.5 GPA and 5 GPA at maximizing yield and income gain in comparison to non-fumigated checks.
We conducted a two-year trial comparing potatoes grown in soil where disease was managed with Strike (chloropicrin). Based on what we observed in the field regarding tuber set increase, we developed a model that incorporated the benefit of set increase from Strike in a seed production system.
A group of scientists at the University of Florida have been investigating the impact of soil fumigation on microbial communities and recently published some of their findings. They found that fumigant treatments with greater than 60% chloropicrin consistently increased tomato yield
In the Summer/Fall of 2022 TriEst Ag Group did a mixture study that focused on Enterolobii in Nash County, NC. The trial evaluated the use of TELONETM, C15, and C35 at 6 GPA (22 GPA broadcast) shank applied in-row 14” deep with 10” of stack.
There is a lot of talk about sustainability and regeneration in agriculture these days. But what do those terms really mean? If you ask five people, you might get five different definitions. But for Josh Mays, Director of Agronomy for TriEst Ag Group, it all starts with profitability.
Nematodes are a common pest in potato-growing areas, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. This blog post will cover common nematodes affecting potatoes in the Pacific Northwest, and recap a potato field trial that was done to demonstrate TELONE™ efficacy.
Watermelons are a popular crop in Japan. Unfortunately, they are also highly susceptible to destructive root-knot nematodes which negatively impact overall yields and fruit quality. Japanese growers know that nothing is more effective against nematodes than TELONE™!
This past Fall we established 2 multi-year field trials in California. Our main objective is to examine the benefits of TELONE™ and Chloropicrin providing early rootstock establishment, promoting early growth, and stronger root systems as we have documented in other crop markets.
The Pacific Northwest is known for producing hops that can be devastated by pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani, Verticillium, Fusarium, and Alternaria. These pathogens can result in stunted growth, wilting and root decay which drastically impact plant growth and consequently hop yield and quality.
Potato wart strikes fear in the bravest among us and at every level of the potato value chain. 36 fields have been identified as infected in three counties since 2000, leading to major trade disruptions, the destruction of hundreds of millions of kilograms of potatoes.
Chad Hutchinson is pleased to discuss soil microbes and sustainability with Joy Youwakim, an agroecology scientist at Biome Makers, an independent, third-party genomics company that specializes in DNA sequencing of agricultural soil samples.
TriEst wanted to look at finding application and timing solutions to better meet nematode and disease pressures. The 2023 trial focused on sampling depths to map location of pests, dual depth applications to place the correct product in the right place, and proof out these concepts.
I convinced the director of agronomy for a large company that grows chipping potatoes to try soil fumigation with chloropicrin (sold as Strike). He appreciated the soil health and yield gains he achieved in year one, but he hasn’t been seeing the longer-term soil health gains.