Our PNW TELONE™ Specialists Robin Matson and Dusty Allen are onsite at the WA/OR Potato Conference in Kennewick, WA. to show how TELONE™ can set you up for a successful potato season.
Potato growers across the PNW know prepping the soil with TELONE™ ahead of planting lessens nematode pressure, creating a zone of protection where developing roots can establish into healthy plants.
Teleos Specialists Robin Matson and Dusty Allen were onsite at the Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association Annual Conference & Trade Show in Kennewick, WA. The Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association is dedicated to education, research, production, promotion, and representation in the Northwest vegetable industry and markets.
Trident Ag's skilled technician is hard at work before sunrise, as seen in this stunning photo taken in the Columbia Basin, capturing the first light on the horizon. This raised bed, in-row fumigation with Strike™ is helping manage common scabs in a potato field, setting up the grower for a strong, healthy yield.
On a recent trip to one of our trial fields in Pasco, Washington, we had the opportunity to witness the progress of an onion field in its final stages before harvest. The onions are being carefully lifted and prepared, marking the culmination of months of growth and nurturing. In no time, these fresh, top-quality onions will be stocked at your local grocery store, ready to complement your next meal.
The Pacific Northwest is known for producing hops that can be devastated by pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani, Verticillium, Fusarium, and Alternaria. These pathogens can result in stunted growth, wilting and root decay which drastically impact plant growth and consequently hop yield and quality.
TriEst Ag Group had the opportunity to visit our west coast affiliate, Trident Ag Products, in the Pacific Northwest. They took our agronomist, Josh Mays, to visit some onion growers that were harvesting. He breaks down why growers soil fumigate onions and the benefits of doing so.