Economic Trends

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Agricultural Science Done Right Resolves Social Science Intentions

Farmers are hungry for tangible ways to increase their sustainable efforts while maintaining economically viable yields. A lot of voices are calling for farming reform. However, feel good soundbites don’t feed the world. Potato producers are keen for real solutions.

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Agricultural Science Done Right Resolves Social Science Intentions
Agricultural Science Done Right Resolves Social Science Intentions

Farmers are hungry for tangible ways to increase their sustainable efforts while maintaining economically viable yields. A lot of voices are calling for farming reform. However, feel good soundbites don’t feed the world. Potato producers are keen for real solutions.

Soil Fumigation Changes the Game for Potato Seed Farm Economics
Soil Fumigation Changes the Game for Potato Seed Farm Economics

In today’s potato growing reality, a calculator is as critical to business success as good field management skills. We conducted a two-year trial comparing potatoes grown in soil where disease was managed with the soil fumigant Strike versus untreated potatoes.

Opportunities in Pecans
Opportunities in Pecans

The TriCal Group recently hosted a meeting and had Samantha McLeod, Executive Director of the Georgia Pecan Growers Association and Editor of Pecan Grower Magazine speak to us and share information about the U.S. and Georgia pecan market. We’d like to thank Samantha again for her time and for sharing with us.

How to Suppress Soil Pest and Disease Levels In Cucumbers to Below Economic Damage
How to Suppress Soil Pest and Disease Levels In Cucumbers to Below Economic Damage

Cucumbers are one of the most pest and disease susceptible vegetable crops and are sensitive to Nematodes, Rhizoctonia and Pythium levels. Moderate numbers of each detected on the SARDI DNA tests will cause economic damage and result in yield losses.

Do You Miss the Money You Could Have Earned?
Do You Miss the Money You Could Have Earned?

For a variety of agronomic, environmental, and management reasons, some potato producers choose not to apply soil fumigants to manage disease. The industry standard fumigant doesn’t allow for a winter cover crop to protect your soil and requires a great deal of management.

What’s Biting into Your Farm’s Economic and Environmental Sustainability?
What’s Biting into Your Farm’s Economic and Environmental Sustainability?

Up to 58 per cent of all the food produced in Canada is lost or wasted each year. Think about that: nearly two of every three potatoes you grow get chucked. If you are like most farmers I know – strong and honorable people who are proud to be part of feeding the world – knowing that so much of your effort is wasted is nothing short of offensive.
