Trical added another raspberry field added to thier growing portfolio—there’s nothing quite like starting the day early and witnessing a stunning sunrise over the fields. Moments like this remind us why we’re passionate about what we do.
Triest is representing at the Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference in Savannah, GA. Stop by the Caneberry Education session in room 200/201 at 9:30-10:00AM to listen to Karen Blaedow with NC State University and our own Josh Mays present on Raspberry Annual Production Systems. It will be an overview of a new annual production system for raspberry that is in development that you won't want to miss.
Trical Inc. just completed a raspberry soil fumigation project along Coastal California, helping a local farmer ensure a thriving harvest season. Booking a consultation with a Trical Inc PCA can help farmers learn how to support the success of a farmer's planting season.
PH is key in a soil system for berries. Traditional soil production for soft fruit crops is a buffered system that is slow to change. Think of substrate as a high risk, high reward type system where your attention to detail is very important.
Change occurs slowly in a traditional soil production system. This allows berry growers to make fertigation mistakes that are not completely detrimental. Soil deficiencies are more difficult to correct. When fertigating in a substrate system, growers can change pH almost daily.
NC State University started an on-farm research project with Lewis Nursery and Farms to investigate the feasibility of long-cane raspberry production in the state. Commercial production of this high value crop has been limited to the western part of the state where the temperatures are cooler.