This project in East Central NC originally in 2021 to evaluate the effects of TELONE ™ II and Chloropicrin (PIC) on nematode suppression, Granville wilt suppression, and tobacco yield and quality. This is a complex issue of harvest timing, weather conditions, disease, and nematode pressure.
Read MoreThis project was established in East Central NC originally in 2021 to evaluate the effects of TELONE ™ II and Chloropicrin (PIC) on nematode suppression in Tobacco, Granville wilt suppression, and tobacco yield and quality. Is it possible to stagger harvest between the products?
This project in East Central NC originally in 2021 to evaluate the effects of TELONE ™ II and Chloropicrin (PIC) on nematode suppression, Granville wilt suppression, and tobacco yield and quality. This is a complex issue of harvest timing, weather conditions, disease, and nematode pressure.
TriEst wanted to look at finding application and timing solutions to better meet nematode and disease pressures. The 2023 trial focused on sampling depths to map location of pests, dual depth applications to place the correct product in the right place, and proof out these concepts.
Our agronomist, Josh Mays, was in a tobacco field back in mid-August visiting a Granville Wilt trial. He touches on the differences in soil fumigated versus untreated. You can read about some more of our work in tobacco at