
Featured Article
Where in the World is Dr. Kristi Sanchez?

May marked the start of Dr. Kristi Sanchez’s (our renowned Nematologist) busiest season, a kick-off to Spring field trials. Here’s a breakdown of the trial sites Dr. Sanchez visited, including detailed insights into her work and that of the TriCal team at each location.

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Where in the World is Dr. Kristi Sanchez?
Where in the World is Dr. Kristi Sanchez?

May marked the start of Dr. Kristi Sanchez’s (our renowned Nematologist) busiest season, a kick-off to Spring field trials. Here’s a breakdown of the trial sites Dr. Sanchez visited, including detailed insights into her work and that of the TriCal team at each location.

California Is Nuts
California Is Nuts

We would like to thank the Almond Board of California once again for hosting the 51st Annual Almond Conference and for allowing us to represent our company, share our knowledge and connect with others in the industry. The conference was an excellent opportunity to further support the Almond Industry beyond sponsorship and field trial research that TriCal Group does by showcasing the diversity in services and products that we offer through our family of companies (TriCal Diagnostics, TriCal Inc., Landmark Irrigation, and Cardinal Professional Products).
