
Featured Article
Where in the World is Dr. Kristi Sanchez?

May marked the start of Dr. Kristi Sanchez’s (our renowned Nematologist) busiest season, a kick-off to Spring field trials. Here’s a breakdown of the trial sites Dr. Sanchez visited, including detailed insights into her work and that of the TriCal team at each location.

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Where in the World is Dr. Kristi Sanchez?
Where in the World is Dr. Kristi Sanchez?

May marked the start of Dr. Kristi Sanchez’s (our renowned Nematologist) busiest season, a kick-off to Spring field trials. Here’s a breakdown of the trial sites Dr. Sanchez visited, including detailed insights into her work and that of the TriCal team at each location.

Low Dose Chloropicrin – When SweetPotato set is at Stake
Low Dose Chloropicrin – When SweetPotato set is at Stake

In the Summer/Fall of 2022 TriEst Ag Group did a mixture study that focused on Enterolobii in Nash County, NC. The trial evaluated the use of TELONETM, C15, and C35 at 6 GPA (22 GPA broadcast) shank applied in-row 14” deep with 10” of stack.

TELONE™ USA R&D – Sweetpotato Field Trials 2024
TELONE™ USA R&D – Sweetpotato Field Trials 2024

Nematodes are a common pest in sweetpotato-growing areas. This blog post will cover most common and destructive nematode affecting sweetpotatoes in North Carolina—the guava root-knot nematode— and recap a sweetpotato field trial that was done to demonstrate TELONE™ efficacy.

Examining the Effectiveness of Fumigant Application on Sweet Potato Crop
Examining the Effectiveness of Fumigant Application on Sweet Potato Crop

The demand for sweet potatoes across the United States has increased dramatically for the last several years. Fumigation of the soil can greatly increase their yield and control pests like nematodes.
